Empowering Women in Outdoor Shooting Sports with DIVA WOW

Dive into the world of outdoor shooting sports with DIVA WOW! Founded by Judy Rhodes, we empower women to embrace safety, skills, and camaraderie. Join us now!

Empower Your Safety: The Essential Link Between Purse Organization and Women's Security

In this blog, discover why purse organization transcends mere aesthetics, playing a vital role in safeguarding women's safety and tranquility. From quick access to essentials in emergencies to deterring theft with designated compartments, learn how...

7 Ways to Achieve Your New Year's Goal with Personal Safety and Concealed Carry

Elevate your New Year's goals with our guide on personal safety and concealed carry for women. Define goals, seek training, practice, stay informed, invest in gear, and join a supportive community. Commit to progress and...

Ultimate Women's Concealed Carry Holiday Gift Guide 2023

The holiday season is the perfect time to show the women in your life that you care about their safety and style.

Best Concealed Carry Methods for Women in 2023

In this blog, we will delve into the world of off-body carry, specifically using a purse as a concealed carry method.

Empowering Minds and Enhancing Situational Awareness

In today's fast-paced and often challenging world, it is crucial for women to prioritize their mental health and develop situational awareness skills.

The Ultimate Guide to Purse Safety and Theft Prevention

Carrying a purse is a common practice for many women around the world. However, it is essential to know that carrying a purse can be risky, especially in crowded or unfamiliar areas.

Four Tips When Flying With A Firearm

You can keep the stress of flying with a firearm to a minimum by following these four simple guidelines.

5 Fashion Hacks Every Gun Woman Should Know

By following these tips, you'll soon be able to carry your firearms with comfort, confidence and style.